Thursday, March 14, 2013

week 8: with the quickness

Woah, I need to catch up on my storytime posts I think. Busy, busy, busy but that's just the way it goes. Onward!

Everyone was very glad to see Bianca again, it was a happy reunion. We were back in the library, which is happily beginning to feel like a regular component of the storytime process, so there is less "new place" silliness. For some kids, focus will always be an issue. NBD. But we are settling in and developing a relationship with the library space, and that is important.

As I predicted, It's a Tiger went over hecka big. Gangbusters! It works on so many levels, and I love it, love it, love it. Not to digress, but if I had to pick an all-star line-up for Head Start preschool storytime it would (as of today) be GABGM!, Press Here, and It's a Tiger, with Chicken Butt! and Galdone's Three Billy Goats Gruff as backups. But... I digress.

I could not bear to read My Heart is Like a Zoo, even though I like it and chose it... I guess I got cold feet based on the vibe in the room. It is an awfully quiet read and I (meaning my read of the kids) was not feeling it. We read Ginger instead, which is quiet but I know they like it. It's a better story and a little less gimmicky than MHILAZ. Not that I'm saying MHILAZ is gimmicky, maybe just by comparison. We finished with Is Everybody Ready For Fun?, which the kids seems to like but not necessarily love. There is a level at which many of Jan Thomas' books work that does not always translate in Head Start storytime. That may sound silly, but there it is. This of course does not apply AT ALL to Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy; everyone loves that.

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