Friday, February 8, 2013

week 4: burn down the library!

OK, don't really burn it down. I'm speaking metaphorically, of course. Also: I am taking lots of OTC cold medicine so if this doesn't make sense (or if I have been a little off on Twitter or w/e), go easy on me. I have been sick for, like, over a week now. I am thinking of doing something drastic... going to a doctor, maybe? Eh, probably not that drastic.

But storytime last week was amazing, thanks largely to Ms. Amy and her many good ideas. This particular good idea was bringing all the Head Start kids to the library. I still did storytime, but it gave them a chance to hang out and have storytime at the library. At branches in certain neighborhoods, library storytime audiences largely consist of school groups; Ms. Amy's library is one of those. The nearby Head Start has morning and afternoon classes, so to this point only the morning classes have been coming to the library for storytime. That's part of the reason I have been doing my storytimes in the afternoon, but the plan falls a little short in that it doesn't really get the afternoon group library-acclimated.

So I met all four classes at the Head Start and we began our procession down the hall to the library. It was quite exciting! Everyone was in high spirits, especially me. I was looking forward to storytime in the library space, with which I was familiar and which I knew would be better (relatively) than the Head Start. If nothing else, it was the first storytime with all the classes together. Yay!

Um, yeah. It was a great storytime. You've seen the plan so I won't bore you with too many details. The crux is that I read Press Here again and basically we blew the roof off the place. It was great! I was a little worried we were disturbing library patrons or whatever, but then I came to my senses and we read it again! Once more with feeling! I kind of feel like the storytime crested at that point, especially since I messed up a new fingerplay I was trying to introduce (I tried "Icky Sticky Icky Sticky Icky Sticky Bubble Gum" and failed on a couple of levels, but not to worry - I think I have the kinks ironed out at this point). 

Then we read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! and lots of kids kept yelling "yes!" when they so-called should have been yelling "no!" but oh well. We had lots of fun and everybody gave Bianca the Bunny lots of hugs and kisses goodbye on the way out.

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