And so. Big changes! Well, a new opening song anyway. With a new puppet no less. Goodness gracious!
1. Opening: We Wave Hello Like This [with Bianca]
2. Song/Activity: Open Them, Shut Them
3. STORY: Duck! Rabbit! / Amy Krouse Rosenthal & David Litchfield
4. Fingerplay: Itsy-Bitsy Spider/La Pequeña Araña
Since we've never done this in Spanish before, we'll do it once in English to get comfortable then give La Pequeña Araña a try. Yay! As noted elsewhere, I want to keep it as a staple, both for the kids' benefit and my own.5. Stretch: A Sailor Went to Sea
6. Fingerplay: Ten Fat Peas
7. STORY: Press Here / Herve Tullet
I am excited to read this book, but am slightly nervous about doing it justice. It's a really great book.8. Stretch: This is My Right Hand
9. Song: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star [with Gareth]
So yeah, I am not putting Gareth out to pasture entirely. I think that would be cruel. Who knows, the kids might hate Bianca (they won't); in any event its good to have Gareth make an appearance for a song. He is well-loved, and I want that fun part of storytime to continue. The transition will be interesting, and I will paying close attention.10. STORY: Row, Row, Row Your Boat / David Ellwand
A really great singalong full-size board book I got from an awesome OPL librarian (it has a weird built in thing that plays the melody to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," MIDI style, like one of those greeting cards). Technically I got it because the built-in noise thing is almost dead and a patron complained so rather than discarding a perfectly good storytime book, she gave it to me. Score!11. Closing: We Wave Goodbye Like This [with Bianca]
No shakers today, and maybe even a slightly shorter storytime, because everyone is coming back from the break and I don't want to tax shorter(ish) attention spans. Who knows, maybe I'll bring the shakers with me as a goof - though that pretty much guarantees someone will get into them before storytime is over and then the cat would be very definitely out of the bag.
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